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Dr. Yousry Khafagy

Under-Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI)


Dr. Khafagy has been awarded a Ph.D. degree in irrigation and hydraulics. He has accumulated over 25… (more)

Dr. Khafagy has been awarded a Ph.D. degree in irrigation and hydraulics. He has accumulated over 25 years professional experience in water resources management, environmental management, irrigation & drainage Projects, contribution in preparation of the environmental impact assessment of water resources projects, design of drainage and irrigation systems, canals design,  well familiar with international organizations and donors policy and regulations of financing projects with development curricula (World Bank, European Union, Dutch Technical Cooperation, KFW …etc.), and construction supervision and projects management. Dr. Khafagy is a field oriented, familiar with the constraints and needs of the water users in rural communities and used to work under difficult circumstances and deadlines. Indeed, during his career, Dr. Khafagy was involved in missions for appraising several national projects and M&E report writing  engaged in several development planning, executive and implementation programmes and projects in Egypt, including but not limited to the Integrated Irrigation Improvement and Management Project (IIIMP), the National Water Resources Plan (NWRP) of Egypt, and the Institutional Reform of Water Sector. Also, he participated in several national and international seminars and climate change video conferences and contributed in several research papers and technical reports, and essays of environmental water issues

Finally, in addition to being appointed as the Head of Egyptian Irrigation Mission in Uganda during the period 2013 – 2015, with a duty station in Kampala , Dr. Khafagy was appointed as the Director General for M&E at Minister office for almost 2 years, and nowadays appointed as the Under-secretary for MWRI Public Properties