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Prof Jebreel Khoshman

Professor, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University


I am an experimental physicist considering a career transition into academia. I earned my Master and… (more)

I am an experimental physicist considering a career transition into academia. I earned my Master and PhD in physics (Condensed Matter & Surface Science), Ohio University, USA in 2003 and 2005, respectively .


I have been in the department of Physics at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University in Ma'an, Jordan for 10 years, one year in the Institutes für Festkörperphysik, Technischen Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany as a visiting researcher, and two years at department of Basic Science & Humanities, College of  Engineering, University of Dammam, Dammam, Saudi Arabia. My work has intersected with various subfields of physics, including micro-nanoscience, band gap engineering of materials, Growth and characterization of semiconductor thin films, and optoelectronic applications such as antireflection coatings and solar cells. In addition, I am working on Jordanian physics students’ misconceptions of physics in pre-service education for high school teachers. My background in physics is broad, including electromagnetism, electronics, mechanics, optics, quantum physics, solid state physics, statistical and thermal physics. By the way, my PhD-GPA and M Sc-GPA 3.94 and 3.93 out of 4, respectively.

I am intimately familiar with physics lecturing, teaching, and reviewer in many Physics-materials Journals such as Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Optics and laser Technology, Thin Solid Films,         The Scientific Research Support Fund (SRSF), Jordan, and Applied Surface Science. Finally, I note that my oral communication skills have been demonstrated in many invited talks in USA, Japan, Germany, Poland, France, Belgium, Egypet, and Jordan.