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What is Jordan’s time zone?

Jordan is two hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Tine, or three hours ahead when in Daylight Savings time from the last Friday in March till the last Friday in October.

I want to continuously be updated about the forum, are there any social media pages?

Of course! Please follow / like @WorldSciForum on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Our group of social media representatives are always helpful when it comes to any inquiries!

Will I have the chance to network with speakers and moderators?

Yes of course you will, there will be lots of breaks, dinners, and social gatherings. Please check out the “agenda” here.

If I received an invitation to attend World Science Forum 2017, do I have to pay for my own travel and accommodation?

Travel and accommodation are only covered for speakers and moderators but you can surely apply for a grant once you complete your registration process, and you will be contacted by the forum organizers once a decision has been made.

How can I attend WSF 2017? 

Kindly note that attendance to the Forum is by invitation only. Therefore, please click here to fill out the needed application form if you are interested. Do note that submitting the application form does not insure your invitation acceptance to the forum as spaces are limited. You will be contacted by the forum organizers once a decision has been made.

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