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Prof. Paul Moughan

FRSNZ, Distinguished Professor, Massey University, New Zealand






Paul Moughan holds the position of Distinguished Professor at Massey University, New Zealand and is Director of the Riddet Institute, a National Centre of Research Excellence in food and nutritional sciences. His research has encompassed the fields of human and animal nutrition, food chemistry, functional foods, mammalian growth biology and digestive physiology.  He has published in excess of 450 scientific works.  In 1995 he was awarded Doctor of Science and in 1997 was awarded a Personal Chair at Massey University and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand.  He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England.  In 2011 he was appointed Chair of the FAO Expert Consultation to review recommendations on the characterisation of dietary protein quality in humans, and is a member of a number of influential international groups addressing sustainable food production.  He has received numerous prestigious international awards for his work, including the New Zealand Prime Minister’s Science Prize in 2012.  In 2014 he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science from the University of Guelph, Canada. Professor Moughan sits on a several editorial boards for scientific journals and is an adviser to the international food industry.



Global Food Security and the Importance of Dietary Protein Quality … (more)

Global Food Security and the Importance of Dietary Protein Quality


Paul J Moughan, Riddet Institute, Massey University, Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North, New Zealand.  Representing AASSA.


Email: p.j.moughan@massey.ac.nz


The world's population is growing rapidly such that by 2050 it is estimated that the world will need to produce 70% more food than it does today.  Much of the growth in population numbers will occur in developing nations and it is also expected that with accompanying economic growth in these countries there will be a burgeoning middle class. As the middle class expands there is an increased relative demand for high protein foods such as eggs, fish, meat and dairy. This trend augments other trends that point to an escalating future demand for food proteins. Already, however, close to 800 million humans suffer from protein/energy malnutrition, so the challenge to adequately feed the world's population will be formidable. It appears that there is sufficient cultivable land available to meet the increased demand, but agricultural productivity will need to increase and food wastage will need to decline.


Education, research and extension in the agricultural, environmental and food sciences will be vital and centre-stage. The ability to use all food nutrients, but especially protein, wisely will become critical.